About Us

The first Community Centre Committee was elected at a public meeting on 20th August 2008. It comprises of representatives from local organisations and other sources.

The current Officials are:

Chairman - Huw Thomas

Vice Chairman - Jacqueline Seward.

Secretary - Jackie Thomas

Treasurer - Beryl Wright

Committee members:

Alan Bowen, Brian Davies, Pauline Davies, Emma Evans, Anne Hughes, Alun James, Margaret Richards, Rhian Roberts, Jacqueline Seward, Marian Slader,

Jackie Thomas, Vanessa Willock, Jan Wilson, David Rogers, Ian Williams (*).

(*) indicates Llangennech Community Council representative

 Regular meetings are held to discuss the general running of the Centre, the organisation of events and Fund Raising schemes. We always welcome fresh ideas, if you have anything to offer please contact us.

The Community Centre is owned by the Llangennech Community Council. A Building Fund was set up around 1998, which enabled the Council to purchase land from the County Council and the Ministry of Defence.
The Council decided to accommodate themed uses based on Recreation, Leisure, Culture, Education and Health and Fitness.
The building has been greatly enhanced by Carmarthenshire County Council's decision to provide and fund a much needed new Branch Library under the same roof.

The Community Council employs a Caretaker, who also has the duty of taking bookings, making arrangements with the hirer and collecting hire fees.  

You can contact Alun James at the Centre on 01554 823969 or E-mail  booking@llancentre.com

The postal address for the Community Centre is:

Llangennech Community Centre
Rear of Hendre Road (adjacent to The Bridge End Inn) Llangennech, Llanelli, SA14 8TH

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